Allis-Babcock Tissue Forceps
Allis-Babcock Tissue Forceps are specifically designed to be used during general surgical procedures in which tissue needs to be grabbed while minimizing any trauma that may be produced to the area. Due to the jaw tips that are fenestrated and angled to the side, these forceps may also be ideal for grasping areas such as the uterus or intestines.
Name Allis-Babcock Tissue Forceps Lead Time Lead time is advised within 48 hours of order placement. Specialty General Instruments-Ring-Handled Forceps – Tissue Grasping Material Finish Stainless Steel Grade Premium Operating Room Units of Measurement Each Manufacturer Dental Instruments Manufacturers Sterility Non-Sterile Usage Reusable -
Allis-Baby Tissue Forceps
4×5 teeth
Allis-Baby Tissue Forceps contain 4×5 teeth on the tips of the jaws. These jaws are offered in a delicate or extra-delicate style depending on the type of tissue, bowel, or skin that is being held. The 5″ or 5 ½” lengths with ring handles are incorporated for added control and maneuverability.
Magill forceps – 25 cm for adultA complete range of disposable instruments made of stainless steel alternative to plastic disposable instruments.MAGILL FORCEPSMAGILL Forceps Magill Intubation forceps are long angled forceps designed to grasp objects lodged in pharynx. Their angled design enable use without obscuring clinician’s view.MAGILL FORCEPS SIZES:Available in 15 cm, 17 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm sizes/MAGILL FORCEPS PEDIATRICMAGILL FORCEPS USESaid passage of an endotracheal tube into the larynx (e.g. nasal intubation)remove foreign bodies from the airway/ pharynx. MAGILL FORCEPS FOREIGN BODYplace pharyngeal packs (e.g. bleeding)aid gastric tube passage into the oesophagusFOREIGN BODY REMOVALAccidental foreign body (FB) ingestion is a common clinical problem. FB ingestion is highly prevalent among the pediatric age group. In adults, it occurs most frequently in alcoholics, prisoners, and those with mental retardation. Radiological localization of ingested FB using advanced techniques is mandatory. Esophagoscopy is the main method for the removal of FBs. Rigid esophagoscopy has been mainly associated with a 5 and 10% risk of perforation during FB removal. The ideal methods are all of the procedures which have lower perforation rate to quickly remove the FBs. Foley catheter extraction and the minimally invasive Magill forceps devices were described for this goal to remove FBs which located in the upper esophagus. The present study aimed to report our experience retrieving ingested FBs from the upper esophagus in children using Magill forceps under general anesthesia.PARTS/DESIGNTwin-bladed tong-like forcepshandles for gripping by the userrounded ends for graspingoblique angle between handles and blades to enable prevent obscuration of the view of the airway during useReusable or disposable (usually stainless steel)infant, child and adult sizespolished and dull finishesopen and closed end design to aid gripping of different materialsMETHOD OF INSERTION/ USES:used to grasp objects under direct visionbest used with a laryngoscope to produce an optimal view of the larynx and displace soft tissues forward to create space for manipulationCOMPLICATIONSLocal traumabreakage of forcepsunable to grasp small objects (e.g. coin) if inadvertently using open tipped forceps
Magill Forceps Anesthesia 15cm, 20cm, 25cm
3 Piece Magill Forceps EMT Anesthesia Surgical Instruments One Each 6″ , 8″ 10″ EXCELLENT QUALITY HIGH GRADE STAINLESS STEEL BRAND NEW
Mathieu Orthodontic Needle Holder Plier Narrow Tip 14 cm Titanium Coated
Mathieu Orthodontic Needle Holder Plier Narrow Tip 14cm
Slim Narrow Tip Mathieu Ligature Elastic Placing Plier 5.5″ (14cm) Needle Holder Driver, Holding Suture Needles Ligature Separator Placer, Elastomeric Orthodontic Instruments.
Micro Surgery Kit
Micro Surgery Kit:
Micro scissor castroviejo, STRMicro scissor castroviejo, CVDCastroviejo needle holder, STRCastroviejo needle holder, CVDPeriosteal Elevator BenquePeriosteal Elevator BuserPeriosteal Elevator PrichardSuction TubeColor probe CP11SyringeGingivectomy Knife 1/2Surgical curette PR1/2Mirror handle with mirrorDebakey tissue forcepsAdson tissue forcepsScalpel handle, roundOchsenbein chisel OCH2Suture pliersNoyes Microsurgical ScissorsGoldman-Fox scissorNeedle HolderHemostatic forceps